
Welcome to 7th Day Baptist Online, where we uphold the following foundational beliefs:

  1. KJV Bible Belief: We are committed to the King James Version Bible as the ultimate authority in matters of faith and practice.
  2. Eternal Security: We believe in the doctrine of Eternal Security, as stated in John 10:28 (KJV), affirming that those who accept Christ as their Savior shall never perish.
  3. Post-Tribulation Rapture: Our interpretation of end-times doctrine aligns with the belief in a Post-Tribulation Rapture, as described in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 (KJV).
  4. Salvation by the Holy Spirit: Acts 8:37 (KJV) illustrates our belief that salvation comes through wholehearted faith in Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
  5. Five Spiritual Sense Faculties: We embrace the five spiritual sense faculties outlined in Hebrews 4:12 (KJV): faith, hope, reverence, prayer, and worship.

Our commitment to these beliefs guides our community, distinguishing us as Antioch Christians dedicated to understanding and living out the truth of the Gospel. We stand against falsehoods and uphold sound doctrine, providing a safe space for believers to grow in their faith and share the message of salvation.

At 7th Day Baptist Online, we invite you to join us in exploring the richness of the KJV Bible, equipping yourself for effective soul-winning, and experiencing the transformative power of God’s Word in your life. Together, let us journey deeper into the truth, trusting in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.

Join us today and be blessed in the name of Jesus Christ.

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